
Now Offering Birth and Fresh48 Sessions!

Those moments before and after the birth of a child are filled with so many emotions! Anyone can tell you, being in that moment, nothing can compare to seeing, for the first time, that little bundle of joy that you have loved for 9 months! You will remember those moments for the rest of your life!

Birth photography allows you to experience the birth of your baby from a different point of view! Being able to look back on those special moments and seeing the tears of joy, the first cry, the hand and foot prints,  the moment you and you partner first hold the gift you have waited so long to see…those are priceless!

Fresh48 sessions can be added to your birth session or they can be independent of! Fresh48 sessions take place within 48 hours of birth. Once you welcome your little one into the world, HP will be on call and will arrive at the hospital either the day of, or the morning after birth. This allows the new mom time to rest and spend those first special moments with her baby!

Another option for new babies is an in-home Lifestyle session. This also can be added on to your birth or fresh48 package, or it can be a session of it’s own! Lifestyle sessions are done days to weeks after birth, in the comfort of your home. This allows time for parents and baby to settle into new routines and gives family a chance to meet the new edition without having to work around a photo session. Lifestyle sessions are also great for sibling portraits as well as incorporating the family pet! With a very relaxed, non posed, and easy going feel, lifestyle sessions are a great reflection of real life as it is!

Watch a special video from a Fresh48 Session!

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